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The Clash

“Austin Davis Memorial”



• The Clash will play by the following age groups: Flag, 5/6-year-olds combined, 7 thru 11 will be separate age groups.

• May also add 12u, 13u & 14u divisions if 3 or more teams

• The cut-off date for all age groups is May 1, of the current year.

• No player can be carried on two (2) clash tournament rosters.

• Tournament rosters can assist any of kid/players that qualify within the cut-off dates of the division entering & don’t have to be on the team’s regular league roster.

• All Head Coaches are responsible for ensuring that all the players on his/her team have been properly checked in by the tournament staff before that player is approved for participation in tournament games.

• Teams from different states & cities may qualify their current league roster according to their own league rules however, this process must be previous cleared & approved by the tournament director(s) to assure that the team is placed in the tournament’s current division.

• Only players that are qualified to participate on teams existing league roster will qualify for any exemption that may apply. No exemption will apply for additional players not on team’s league roster for that current year. (This rule applies to grade-based teams also).

General Rules:

• OSSSA High School Rules apply unless noted

• All Teams (players & coaches) must be checked in before participation in the Clash Tournament. Five (5) coaching passes will be given per team.

• Rosters must consist of listed TOURNAMENT ROSTER PLAYERS ONLY.

• TOURNAMENT ROSTERS “MUST” be on file prior to teams 1st game & no additions can be made after 1st game is complete.

• Teams must have photo ID cards/sheet or birth certificates available on-site

• Parents must stay behind rope or designated restricted area & off sidelines. No warnings will be given & team will be penalized 15 yards per infraction.

• Inappropriate behavior by any player, coach or fan will result in the violating team being banned & escorted from the ballpark immediately, or the violation will result in forfeit of game by violating team &/or 15 yd penalty.

• Any player or coach ejected from a game, regardless of the reason, will be ineligible for participation in the next game.

• Only players & coaches will be allowed on the sideline during games.

• Gate charges for the tournament will be $15 dollars for adults & $10 dollars for kids & under 5 is free.

• Team can bring in 1 IGLOO JUG for the team water but NO ICE CHEST, or any other OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS will be allowed by fans, etc.

• Games will consist of (4) 8-minute quarters plus have a minimum of 2 officials & 1 scoreboard operator provided. Teams will be responsible for providing down box and chain crew. Referee will coordinate.

Game Rules:

• No weight limit on ball carriers

• Blitzing is allowed in all divisions with the exception of the flag, 6 & 7 yr. old divisions. 6 & 7 division only - no player will be allowed to stand in a 2 point stance at the line of scrimmage and blitz between the tackles or box area. (No Restrictions on any players outside the “Box Area” or at a normal linebacker depth position or in a 3 point stance at the line of scrimmage..etc.)

• Defensive players are not allowed to line head up with the center when long snapping or in the shotgun formation. The defensive players can line up in the A gap (offset) or the gap between the center and guard when long snapping or in the shotgun formation.

• Each team can use their own league regulated ball

(6 – 10 = K2 or larger / 11 – 12 = TDJ or larger)

• Ages 8 – 11 will kick – off / Ages 6 –7 will start on the 20 yd line on an 80 yd field & from the 30 yd line on an 100 yd field.

• Automatic punts only in ages 6 – 7 divisions & is equal to 2 first downs.

FIELD GOALS – Field goals are allowed on fields equipped with goal post only in ages divisions 8U, 9U, 10U and 11U. Once the team has elected to attempt a field goal they cannot change their choice. Rushing the kicker or attempting a block the kick is not allowed on field goal attempts. The ball must be properly snap between the centers leg to the place holder. If the ball touches the ground prior to place holder catching and setting the ball on the ground, the play will be blown dead and the defensive team will take over from the line of scrimmage. If the place holder drops are fumble the ball when receiving the snap, the place holder is allowed to pick up the ball and continue the field gold attempt. If the snap goes over the head of the place holder the play will be blown dead. If the attempt is on a 4th down the play will result in a turnover on downs and the offensive team will start from the line of scrimmage of the previous play. i. Ages 8U and

9U the field goal attempt (kicking block) must be at least 4 yards behind the line of scrimmage on an 80-yards field, and 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage on a 100-yard field. ii. Ages 10U and 11U the field goal attempt (kicking block) must be at least 8 yards behind the line of scrimmage on an 80-yards field, and 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage on 100-yard field.

PUNTING – Teams in age 8U, 9U, 10U, and 11U may elect to have a protected punt on 4th down. Once the team has elected to make punt on 4th down they cannot change their choice. Rushing the kicker or attempting to block the punt is not allowed. The ball must be properly snap between the center’s leg to the place kicker. If the ball touches the ground before reaching the kicker they may pick up the ball and continue the punt. The ball is dead once touch by a player on the receiving team. If the ball hits a player on the kicking team the receiving team will take over on downs at the line of scrimmage of that down. If the ball is kicked behind the line of scrimmage the receiving team will take over on downs where the ball lands.

• Extra points – Run = 1 pt / Pass = 2 pts/ 2 pt = FG

• Field Goals attempts = 3 pts

• The 6 – 7 division allows 1 coach on the field during the game & he must stand back 10 yards once the quarterback addresses the center & must remain quiet. (12 yd (80yd) / 15 yd(100yd) penalty will be assessed if violated)

• 1 coach & 1 player will be allowed to roam the entire sideline. All other players must remain within the boundaries of the sidelines.

• After a team is ahead by 40 points or more, the clock converts to a running clock. This includes incomplete passes and outbound runs.

• Round Robin Tie Breaker:

1. Best Record

2. Head to Head

3. Point Differential

a. Final Score 20-14….Winner (+6) & Loser 2 (-6)

4. Points Allowed

5. Points Scored

• Overtime process will consist of the following:

o Each team will get 2 possessions from the 10 yard line

o If game is still tied, then the ball will be moved to the 50 yard line & both teams will be given 4 offensive plays to get as many yards as possible. Each team must run 4 plays unless a turnover occurs. The team with the most yards wins the game.


Team A gets the ball& in their 4 plays & they score on 1st down (50 yds) & on 2nd down they get (3 yds), 3rd down they loose (-2 yds) & 4th down they get (15 yds). 50 + 3 + 15 – 2 = 66 yards

Team B gets the ball & fumbles on 1st down & defense recovers. Their total is 0 yards & Team A wins the game.

However, if Team B fumbles on 3rd down after scoring 2 touchdowns (50 + 50) then their final total is 100 yards & Team B wins.



1. 9 to 11 players – four quarters: 10-minute quarters.

2. The clock shall be running until the last two (2) minutes of the second and fourth quarters and during timeouts.

3. 80-yard playing fields.

4. Players on the offensive line – Tackle to Tackle

5. The ball will be placed at the 20-yard line at the beginning of the game, after half time, and after each score.

6. No Kick-offs.

7. If a player’s flag is removed when he does not have the ball, the player and the coach will be given a warning. If the player removes the flag from another player under the same conditions, a 10-yard penalty and automatic first down will be assessed.

8. If a safety occurs, the ball will be placed at the far 20-yard line.

9. 2 coaches will be allowed on the field.

10. Coaches may not talk to their players once the quarterback starts signal calling or a 5-yard penalty.

11. Coaches must be 10 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. 40 seconds between plays or a 5-yard penalty.

12. At the line of scrimmage, a player cannot line-up over the center, 5-yard penalty will be assessed.

13. No penalty will exceed 10 yards.

14. When a team scores a touchdown, passing plays count as two points and running plays count as one point.

15. Any player running the ball should have their flags on the left and right side in the correct spot or a 5-yard penalty will be assessed.


16. Required Game Equipment

17. Strapless mouthpieces will be required to be worn by all Flag players.

18. Only tournament approved flags and Velcro will be allowed for use in games. Flags will be labeled by League. Any player wearing illegal, unapproved, or non-labeled flags will be ineligible to participate in the game.

19. Flags will be attached to the belt and will be secured around the players waist.

20. Flags are not to be the same color as the pants. **Any player wearing illegal Velcro or securing flags repeatedly illegally will be ineligible to participate in the game and the head coach could be penalized accordingly. i. 8-man teams – 2 flags (left/right side) ii. 11-man teams – 2 flags (left/right side)

21. Flag cannot be altered.


22. The defensive player cannot hold or push the ball carrier to remove his/her flag. An additional touch of the body or shoulder while reaching for the flag shall not be considered a violation. However, touching of the heads or face shall be considered a violation. 5-yard penalty.

23. The player carrying or having possession of the ball is down when flag is removed from his/her waist (de-flagging); the defensive player shall hold the flag above his/her head and stand still.

24. A defensive player may not run over, push down, or pull a blocker away from him/her; 5- yard penalty.

25. Lowering the head and/or leading with the shoulder will NOT be allowed. This includes when trying to penetrate the line of scrimmage and when trying to shed a block. 5-yard penalty.

26. A defensive player must go for the passer’s flag. He/she cannot touch the passer’s arm. 5- yard penalty.

27. “Stripping” the ball from a ball carrier is not allowed. 5-yard penalty.

28. A defensive player cannot push a ball carrier out-of-bounds.

29. There shall be no tackling of the ball carrier or passer by the lower head, leading with the shoulder, or grabbing the arms, legs, waist, clothing, etc. Attempts must be made for the flag only. 10-yard penalty and automatic first down.

30. Defensive players must stand one yard off the line of scrimmage or a 5-yard penalty. 7

31. Field Goal on Flag is two points.

32. If the nose guard is less than 2 yards off the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. A 5- yard penalty is assessed.


33. A blocker must always be on his/her feet while blocking. All blocking will be required to be a “palms out” style of blocking.

34. Both offensive and defensive linemen will be required to go to the “palms out” blocking position at the snap of the ball. In addition, no pushing is allowed. Once there is separation, hands may leave chest.

35. Lowering the head and/or leading with the shoulders will NOT be allowed on any block. 36. A blocker can use his/her hands but cannot extend (a push is not prohibited) his/her arms to execute a block. Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL) Rules and Regulations 10 37. Cross body and roll blocking are not permitted. 5-yard penalty.

38. Butting, elbowing or knee blocking is not permitted. 5-yard penalty.

39. Blocking a player from behind is not permitted (clipping). 10-yard penalty.

40. There will be no inter-lock blocking.

41. All offense and defensive linemen must be in standing forward position while on the line of scrimmage.

42. Defensive players may not hold any players. 5-yard penalty.


43. Stiff arming the ball carrier is illegal.

44. The ball carrier cannot lower his/her head or shoulder to drive or run into a defensive player. 5-yard penalty.

45. If a player’s flag is inadvertently lost, he/she is ineligible to handle the ball.

46. If a ball carrier’s flag is inadvertently lost, the play will be whistled dead and the ball will be placed at the spot the flag was lost.

47. If the player carrying the touches a defensive player with his hands, this will be considered flag guarding and a 10-yard penalty and loss of down will be assessed.


48. The center must snap the ball between his/her legs.

49. He/she must have both feet parallel to the lone of scrimmage.

50. He/she may adjust the long part of the ball at right angles to the scrimmage line, one time only.

51. No center sneaks are allowed.

52. Silent counts are not permitted.


53. Only players in eligible receiver positions are eligible to receive forward passes.

54. Should an offensive and defensive player catch a pass simultaneously and the officials cannot determine possession, the ball is declared dead at the spot of the catch and the passing team is awarded possession.

55. If a receiver’s flag is pulled off while attempting to catch a pass, pass interference will be called. Spot Foul and automatic first down.

56. Flag Interception. If a player has flags, he/she can advance the ball. If he/she does not have flags, then they cannot advance the ball. The ball will change possession at the point of interception.


57. All balls touching the ground are immediately dead. For example, the ball is declared dead at the following times:

58. The ball carrier touches the ground with his/her body, other than hands or feet. 59. The ball carrier’s flag has been pulled.

60. A pass receiver or ball carrier has a missing flag (ball is dead at the spot).

61. The center’s snap hits the ground before reaching a backfield player.

62. If a player fumbles and the ball touches the ground, the play is considered dead. The ball will be spotted at the point of the fumble. Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL) Rules and Regulations 11

63. If a lateral pass touches the ground, the ball is declared dead at that point. If a lateral pass goes out-of-bounds, the ball is ruled dead at the point it crosses the boundary. 64. If a team declares to punt, the ball will be marked off 35 yards from the line of scrimmage.

Protest/Grievance Rule:

• There will be a $200.00 cash deposit fee in order to file any protest. If protest is found to be valid, then the deposit will be returned.

• However, if deposit is not found to be valid, then the deposited will be forfeited and will not be returned.

• No investigation will be conducted on any player until cash deposit has been paid.

• Tournament directors will conduct a close meeting with protestor and possible violator only.

• Any player found to be ineligible player (s) will be immediately removed from game and team “may” be asked to forfeit any games that that player participated and coach will be immediately ejected from tournament. “A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”

• Violation may also result in the violating team being removed from the tournament without any refund, which may include team entry & parent/fan gate charges.

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