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Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules



All administrative and policy making functions of the Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL) shall be under the supervision of a ruling body known as the Board of Directors.

It shall be the role of the league Director to appoint and designate the duties and responsibilities of the other members and officers of the Board of Directors.


It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to:

A. Approve the admission of teams and coaches into the OICYL.

B. Establish and enforce the rules of sportsmanship and ethical conduct of coaches and players.

C. Establish and enforce game rules and regulations and establish rules pertaining to player eligibility.

D. Set the amount that will be paid for league fees, equipment leasing and admission for league events.

E. Provide and maintain game fields for all scheduled league games.

F. Provide officials and chain sets for scheduled league games. Two officials will be provided for Flag, 6U, 7U and 8U games. Three officials will be provided for 9U, 10U and 11U games if officials are available. No game can be played with less than two officials present, unless both teams’ head coach agrees to play with one referee.

G. Schedule all league games and provide each coach access to his/her team’s schedule prior to the first game. The schedule will show the date, time, and field location for games to be played in the league competition.

H. Serve as the judicial body of the OICYL. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to suspend or permanently remove from league play any team, coach, or player who is, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, guilty of conduct detrimental to the OICYL. Unsportsmanlike conduct of coaches, players, or spectators before, during or after any game will cause for ejection from the park and possible suspension of the offenders from the league. Reinstatement will be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

I. Provide each coach with a means of completing all required documentation by the required due dates to include:

1. Registration access (online)

2. Rosters (online)

3. Background Check

4. Coaches Certification

J. Provide a league schedule showing the date, time and field location for games to be played in the league competition.

K. The Board of Directors will be responsible for providing coach ID Cards and official league rosters to each team.

L. Provide suitable placement awards in all age divisions. Individual awards will be awarded by the OICYL for first, second, and third places in each division.

M. Accept or revoke league coach’s membership. The Board of Directors reserves the right to remove or revoke the membership of any coach or player from the league as deem necessary.

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

N. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to take such action to these rules and regulations, and any other unique actions not covered in these rules as the Board of Directors deems necessary.


LEAGUE ORGANIZATION: The OICYL shall consist of 7 age divisions as follows:

• 5 & Under Flag – Player can’t turn 6 prior to May 1st of the current year.

• 6 & Under – Player can’t turn 7 prior to May 1st of the current year.

• 7 & Under – Player can’t turn 8 prior to May 1st of the current year.

• 8 & Under – Player can’t turn 9 prior to May 1st of the current year.

• 9 & Under – Player can’t turn 10 before May 1st of the current year.

• 10 & Under – Player can’t turn 11 prior to May 1st of the current year.

• 11 & Under – Player can’t turn 12 prior to May 1st of the current year unless the 6th grade exception rule applies. See rule below:

A. May 1st of the current calendar is the official cutoff date for the league. This date is also used to determine the player’s age according to rules about playing up. See below:

B. Players can play up in an older division but will be limited to one (1) year. The only exception to this rule applies to players that are 3 years old. A 3-year-old player can play in the flag division if he/she is 3 years old before May 1st of the current calendar year.

C. Sixth (6th) grade exception. A player who turns 12 years old prior to May 1st of the current year can be placed on the roster of an 11U team if the player is currently enrolled in the 6th grade of the current school year and is not participating on their middle school team. If a player turns 13 years old prior to May 1st of the current year, they aren’t eligible to play in the league regardless of grade. Players eligible for the 6th grade exception must provide additional documentation verifying that they are in the 6th grade at league certification and must be approved by the executive board.

D. Teams are not allowed to participate in more than one youth league. Teams may participate in scrimmages or exhibition games with other teams if the team is not a member of the league, and not on the other league’s schedule.

E. Players cannot play or be on the roster of another youth league team in any other youth league. The exception to this rule is that players can be on the roster of their middle school or junior high football roster. These rules generally apply to the 11U and up age group. Participation in other leagues or being placed on another team’s roster shall result in automatic suspension from the league with no refund and potential suspension for the head coach at the board’s discretion.

F. There are no weight restrictions in any age group.

G. Head Coaches are responsible for ensuring that all the players on his/her team have been properly certified by the league and are listed on the team’s official team roster.

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules


A. To coach in the OICYL all coaches must support the purposes of the OICYL and must abide by the rules of the Board of Directors. Coaches and Parents are required to read and sign the Parent’s and Coach’s Code of Ethics and abide by these guidelines.


A. Team Rosters:

1. A team shall maintain a minimum of (15) players. Their team must meet the minimum number of players before a team will be certified for league play.

2. All Players on the roster must be properly certified by the Sportstread online verification process.

3. A player is considered ineligible if he/she has not been certified by the league Sportstread online verification process, doesn’t appear on the team’s official roster maintained by the league. Once an ineligible player is discovered and has participated in a game, all games prior to the discovery will be forfeited. The player may be properly added to the roster if the team can show that they were part of the team prior to the deadline to add players.

4. Any change(s) to an approved roster, after the league season starts, must be approved by the league Board of Directors and presented to the Board of Directors prior to the team’s next game.

5. A player may not change teams after league round robin date. No refunds shall be given after Round Robin date. The Board of Board of Directors reserves the right to override this rule but will only approve a player to switch teams if the Board of Directors deems the reason for switching an extreme hardship.

6. Rosters are locked, and no new players will be added to rosters after league first game.

7. New players that were not registered or certified with a previous league team may still be added to a team’s roster up to the league’s first game. If the leagues start date is postponed d or delayed the original scheduled date will remain the last day to add players.

8. Team removal – If a team is removed for any reason the players on that team can be placed on another team in the same division. The player transfer must be approved by the Football Director. The Football Director has the right to deny a transfer if the team the player is being transferred to has had any involvement with the player’s original team dissolving. League fees will be transferred, but any team fees from the new team must be resolved by the parent and the head coach.

B. Any player ejected during a game must serve a one game suspension. The suspension will be enforced on the teams next league game. If a player is ejected twice in one season, they will be suspended the remainder of the year.

C. Team tryouts are a violation of the league rules. Any coach/team found to be having tryouts shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.

D. Only players and coaches (maximum of five (5) coaches) are allowed on the sidelines. All coaches must wear ID Cards around the neck, visible always during games. Infraction will result in a sideline violation.

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules


A. Players shall be encouraged to maintain, at a minimum, an average scholastic record it will be the coach’s responsibility to see that this policy is communicated to parents and is an important factor.



1. The head coach must be 21 years of age. Assistant coaches must be at least 18 years of age.

2. Complete all training or certification required by the league.


1. Coaches are required to participate in mandatory league functions. This includes, but is not limited to all scheduled league games, round-robin, league playoffs and any other activities deemed mandatory functions by the league.

2. Are required to know the rules and to teach fair play and sportsmanship to their players through their good example and conduct while on the practice and/or game fields.

3. Coaches are responsible for maintaining order on their team sidelines during games.

4. Coach are not to use profanity, alcohol, illegal drugs during team/league functions. The uses of profanity, alcohol, illegal drugs are strictly prohibited at all league facilities and functions, to include team practice. A coach that is found under the influence of alcohol or drugs during a practice or game will be removed as coach pending further action from the league’s leadership.

5. Are required to make sure that all players participate at a minimum eight (8) plays a game. If a parent brings this to the attention of the league someone will monitor their game. If it is found that the coach isn’t following this rule, the team will automatically forfeit that game. This rule doesn’t apply to tournaments, or any other games not sanctioned by the league.

6. Are required to look professional during games, to include league and tournaments. Professional is defined as wearing a team coach’s shirt, pullover or hoodie during cold weather. Pants or shorts properly secured around the waist. Failure to comply will result in the coach having to pay entry as a fan and will not be allowed on the sidelines.

7. Are expected to take an active part in the clean-up and general maintenance of their age group’s fields after each game.

8. Are required to have a certified first aid kit at all practices and games.

9. Coaches can be suspended or removed from the league for improper actions off the field. The Board of Directors reserves the right to remove any coach for any actions that they deem improper or don’t represent the best interest of the league.


1. A Mandatory coaches meeting will be held prior to each season. Each team shall have a representative at that meeting. Information covered at the meeting is important to all teams, clarification of rules and other items may be covered.

2. Coaches are prohibited from physical contact with a referee (intentional or non-intentional) due to an argument or disagreement. Violation of this rule will result in the immediate removal from the facilities. They will also be banned from all OICYL functions for the

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

 OICYL League Rules

remainder of the season and will remain banned until reinstated by Board of Directors. The local police department will be called out and charges will be filed. This rule applies to disputes between coaches, parents or fans. Reinstatement of that person can only be done by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

3. Coaches will be suspended for improper actions committed that would be damaging to their team and/or the OICYL. A coach that has been ejected from a game will be ejected for the remainder of the current game. A coach refusing to leave the field/park after being ejected will cause his team to forfeit the game and will be required to address the Board of Directors to explain his actions before being allowed to continue coaching.


1. Any coach or player ejected from a game or sanctioned tournament shall serve a one game (tournament or league) suspension. The coach must turn the coach/player OICYL card over to a game official immediately at the time of the ejection. Ejection requires the coach/player to leave the playing complex. Failure to turn over OICYL card, or failure to leave the complex will result in immediate forfeiture of the game in progress. Coaches under suspension may be requested to appear before the Board of Directors prior to reinstatement.

2. Any coach/player ejected for the second time from league play, in the same season will be suspended for the remainder of the season. Only a vote of the Board of Directors can reinstate the said coach/player.


Any team suspended or removed from any organization will not be allowed to play in the league without approval of the Board of Directors.


Teams will receive team sideline warnings for the first offense of a coach not properly displaying a coach’s ID and for having too many people on the team sidelines. Any combination of a second sideline violation will result in the following:

A second sideline violation of failure to properly display a coach’s ID will result in the offending coach being removed from the facility for the remainder of the game. If the second violation is a result of having too many people on the sideline, the head coach will be removed from the facility for the remainder of that game.

G. Any disputes or issues between coaches, parents, players or scheduling must be brought to the attention of the league leadership for resolution.



1. League schedule will consist of a minimum of 8 games. The season will run from Mid –August to Early November.

2. A mandatory Round Robin will be played for all teams. Failure to play in the Round Robin will result in the team not being scheduled in league play.

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

3. All teams qualify for the post season playoffs and participation is mandatory, unless exempt by the Board of Directors

B. NFHS Rules

1. National Federation of State High Schools Association (NFHS) applies to all league games, unless superseded by an OICYL league rules as stated below.

2. Rules regarding footwear apply to the OICYL.

3. Numbering rules for offensive players are waived.

4. Mouthpieces must be worn during all play.

5. Fields will be marked in eight (8) yard intervals are 80-yard fields.

6. Facemask penalties will be twelve (12) yards on 80-yard fields.


1. 6U, 7U, 8U, and 9U will use the Wilson K2 or the Nike Spiral 1000 Pee Wee

2. 10U & 11U will use the Wilson TDJ or the Nike Spiral 1000 Jr

3. The team on offense will provide the game ball as specified above.

4. No other sizes will be allowed. Should there be any discrepancy on the ball being presented for use by either team, the field will provide a game ball.

5. Only clear facemask shields are approved to wear during games.


1. First down chains will be eight (8) yards in length on 80 yards fields.

2. First down chains will be ten (10) yards in length on 100 yards fields.


1. Penalties will be 4 yards, 8 yards and 12 yards on 80-yard fields.

2. Penalties will be 5 yards, 10 yards and 15 yards on 100-yard fields.

3. Extra points will be one (1) for run, two (2) for pass or kicking an extra point where goal posts are available.

4. A league game is considered “Official” and to be “played” if a team can begin with a minimum of 9 players – no more than fifteen (15) minutes after official game time.

5. Any team that forfeits a game will be charged a $250 forfeit pay, that must be paid prior to the next game. If a team forfeits two games, they will be removed from the remaining schedule with no refund.


1. All games are to be played as scheduled. Any variations to the schedule will have to be approved prior to the game by the Football Director and will be reflected in the league schedule.

2. a) 6U – 11U will play for 8-minute quarters.

3. Point Deficit Rule: At any point in the game a team reaches a forty (40) point deficit, the losing coach will have the option of continuing the game to the end of the third quarter. If the deficit is still forty (40) points at that point the losing coach can decide to end the game or continue the game with a running clock. When the forty (40) point deficit is reached a

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

running clock will be enforced if the deficit is below forty (40) points the normal game clock will resume.

4. Overtime – 10-yard overtime procedure will be used. Each team will be given a series of downs to score. If the score is still tied after two (2) of these procedures the ball will be placed on the 50-yard line and each team will get a series of downs. The team with the most total yards from the 50-yard line wins. The game will be decided first (1st) by score, or second (2nd) by yards advanced from the original line of scrimmage. There will be no ties.

5. Half time will be 5 minutes long.


6. There will NO kickoffs for the 6U and 7U divisions. Play will start from the opposing teams 30-yard line after all scores, beginning of the game and after the half.

7. Automatic Punt for 6U & 7U divisions only. Upon notification to the official an un-timed down for an automatic punt will be allowed. Ball advancement will be 2 first down or half the distance to the goal line with change of possession.

8. In ages 6U and 7U one (1) coach from each team may remain on the field to organize his/her player positions and call the plays. The coach should position himself or herself ten (10) yards behind the nearest player. Once the line is set and the offensive cadence has started there will be no communication with a player. Violations to this rule will result in a delay of game penalty. Coaches are on the field to instruct their players, any overly aggressive actions or language used to intimidate players on the field may result in removal off the playing field, ejection or a personal conduct penalty at the discretion of the referees.

9. BLITZING - Blitzing is allowed in all divisions except for the 6U & 7U divisions. 6U & 7U division only - no player will be allowed to stand in a 2-point stance at the line of scrimmage and blitz between the offensive tackles or box area. No Restrictions on any players outside the “box area” or players at a normal linebacker depth position or in a 3-point stance at the line of scrimmage)

10. FIELD GOALS – Field goals are allowed on fields equipped with goal post only in ages divisions 8U, 9U, 10U and 11U. Once the team has elected to attempt a field goal they cannot change their choice. Rushing the kicker or attempting a block the kick is not allowed on field goal attempts. The ball must be properly snap between the centers leg to the place holder. If the ball touches the ground prior to place holder catching and setting the ball on the ground, the team is still allowed to continue the field goal attempt. If the place holder drops are fumble the ball when receiving the snap, the place holder can pick up the ball and continue the field gold attempt. If the snap goes over the head or goes behind the place holder the play will be blown dead. If the attempt is on a 4th down the play will result in a turnover on downs and the offensive team will start from the line of scrimmage of the previous play.

i. Ages 8U and 9U the field goal attempt (kicking block) must be at least 4 yards behind the line of scrimmage on an 80-yards field, and 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage on a 100-yard field.

ii. Ages 10U and 11U the field goal attempt (kicking block) must be at least 8 yards behind the line of scrimmage on an 80-yards field, and 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage on 100-yard field.

11. PUNTING – Teams in age 8U, 9U, 10U, and 11U may elect to have a protected punt on 4th down. Once the team has elected to make punt on 4th down, they cannot change their choice. Rushing the kicker or attempting to block the punt is not allowed. The ball must be properly snap between the center’s leg to the place kicker. If the ball touches the ground before reaching the kicker they may pick up the ball and continue the punt. The ball is dead once

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

touched by a player on the receiving team or when the ball comes to a stop. If the ball hits a player on the kicking team the receiving team will take over on downs at the line of scrimmage of that down. If the ball is kicked behind the line of scrimmage the receiving team will take over on downs from the previous line of scrimmage.

12. Defensive players are not allowed to line head up with the center when long snapping or in the shotgun formation. The defensive players can line up in the A gap (offset) or the gap between the center and guard when long snapping or in the shotgun formation.


13. Participation is mandatory for all league teams.

14. Each session will be a 20 minute continuously running clock with no timeouts.

15. Each team is allowed up to four (3) coaches on the field up to five reserve players to allow for quick substitutions. These players must remain 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage. All remaining coaches and players must be on the sidelines.

16. Each offensive team will start at the 40-yard line for half fields or the 30 for full fields and they have four downs to get a first down. If the team doesn't get a first down the ref will spot the ball at the 40 (half field) or 30 (full field) yard line.

17. If a team scores a touchdown the ball will be spotted back at the 40 (half field) or 30 (full field) yard line and the offensive team will begin another drive.

18. If the defensive team recovers a fumble or get an interception the play is immediately blown dead and the offensive team get the ball back at the 40 (half field) or 30 (full field) line.



1. 9 to 11 players – 2 halves: 20-minute quarters.

2. Flag team rosters cannot exceed 20 players.

3. The clock shall be running during both halves except for timeouts.

4. Each team is allowed 2 full time out each half.

5. 80-yard playing fields.

6. Players on the offensive line – Tackle to Tackle

7. The ball will be placed at the 20-yard line at the beginning of the game, after half time, and after each score.

8. No Kick-offs.

9. If a player’s flag is removed when he does not have the ball, the player and the coach will be given a warning. If the player removes the flag from another player under the same conditions, a 10-yard penalty and automatic first down will be assessed.

10. If a safety occurs, the ball will be placed at the far 20-yard line.

11. 2 coaches will be allowed on the field.

12. Coaches may not talk to their players once the quarterback starts a signal calling or a 5-yard penalty.

13. Coaches must be 10 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. 40 seconds between plays or a 5-yard penalty.

14. At the line of scrimmage, a player cannot line-up over the center, 5-yard penalty will be assessed.

15. No penalty will exceed 10 yards.

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

16. When a team scores a touchdown, passing plays count as two points and running plays count as one point.

17. Any player running the ball should have their flags on the left and right side in the correct spot or a 5-yard penalty will be assessed.


18. Required Game Equipment

19. Strapless mouthpieces will be required to be worn by all Flag players.

20. Only LEAGUE approved flags and Velcro will be allowed for use in games. Flags will be provided by the league. Any player wearing illegal or unapproved flags will be ineligible to participate in the game.

21. Flags will be attached to the belt and will be secured around the players waist.

22. Flags are not to be the same color as the pants. **Any player wearing illegal Velcro or securing flags repeatedly illegally will be ineligible to participate in the game and the head coach could be penalized accordingly.

i. 3 flags (left/right side and rear)

23. Flag cannot be altered.


24. The defensive player cannot hold or push the ball carrier to remove his/her flag. An additional touch of the body or shoulder while reaching for the flag shall not be considered a violation. However, touching the head or face shall be considered a violation. 5-yard penalty.

25. The player carrying or having possession of the ball is down when flag is removed from his/her waist (de-flagging); the defensive player shall hold the flag above his/her head and stand still.

26. A defensive player may not run over, push down, or pull a blocker away from him/her; 5- yard penalty.

27. Lowering the head and/or leading with the shoulder will NOT be allowed. This includes when trying to penetrate the line of scrimmage and when trying to shed a block. 5-yard penalty.

28. A defensive player must go for the passer’s flag. He/she cannot touch the passer’s arm. 5-yard penalty.

29. “Stripping” the ball from a ball carrier is not allowed. 5-yard penalty.

30. A defensive player cannot push a ball carrier out-of-bounds.

31. There shall be no tackling of the ball carrier or passer by the lower head, leading with the shoulder, or grabbing the arms, legs, waist, clothing, etc. Attempts must be made for the flag only. 10-yard penalty and automatic first down.

32. If the nose guard is less than 1 yards off the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. A 5-yard penalty is assessed.

33. BLITZING - No player will be allowed to stand in a 2-point stance at the line of scrimmage and blitz between the offensive tackles or box area. No restrictions on any players outside the “box area” or players at a normal linebacker depth position or in a 3-point stance at the line of scrimmage)


Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

34. A blocker must always be on his/her feet while blocking. All blocking will be required to be a “palms out” style of blocking.

35. Both offensive and defensive linemen will be required to go to the “palms out” blocking position at the snap of the ball. In addition, no pushing is allowed. Once there is separation, hands may leave chest.

36. Lowering the head and/or leading with the shoulders will NOT be allowed on any block.

37. A blocker can use his/her hands but cannot extend (a push is not prohibited) his/her arms to execute a block.

38. Cross body and roll blocking are not permitted. 5-yard penalty.

39. Butting, elbowing or knee blocking is not permitted. 5-yard penalty.

40. Blocking a player from behind is not permitted (clipping). 10-yard penalty.

41. There will be no inter-lock blocking.

42. All offense and defensive linemen must be in standing forward position while on the line of scrimmage.

43. Defensive players may not hold any players. 5-yard penalty.


44. Stiff arming the ball carrier is illegal.

45. The ball carrier cannot lower his/her head or shoulder to drive or run into a defensive player. 5-yard penalty.

46. If a player’s flag is inadvertently lost, he/she is ineligible to handle the ball.

47. If a ball carrier’s flag is inadvertently lost, the play will be whistled dead, and the ball will be placed at the spot the flag was lost.

48. If the player carrying the touches a defensive player with his hands, this will be considered flag guarding and a 10-yard penalty and loss of down will be assessed.


49. The center must snap the ball between his/her legs.

50. He/she must have both feet parallel to the line of scrimmage.

51. He/she may adjust the long part of the ball at right angles to the scrimmage line, one time only.

52. No center sneaks are allowed.

53. Silent counts are not permitted.


54. Only players in eligible receiver positions are eligible to receive forward passes.

55. Should an offensive and defensive player catch a pass simultaneously and the officials cannot determine possession, the ball is declared dead at the spot of the catch and the passing team is awarded possession.

56. If a receiver’s flag is pulled off while attempting to catch a pass, pass interference will be called. Spot Foul and automatic first down.

57. Flag Interception. If a player has flags, he/she can advance the ball. If he/she does not have flags, then they cannot advance the ball. The ball will change possession at the point of interception.


Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

58. All balls touching the ground are immediately dead. For example, the ball is declared dead at the following times:

59. The ball carrier touches the ground with his/her body, other than hands or feet.

60. The ball carrier’s flag has been pulled.

61. A pass receiver or ball carrier has a missing flag (ball is dead at the spot).

62. The center’s snap hits the ground before reaching a backfield player.

63. If a player fumbles and the ball touches the ground, the play is considered dead. The ball will be spotted at the point of the fumble.

64. If a lateral pass touches the ground, the ball is declared dead at that point. If a lateral pass goes out-of-bounds, the ball is ruled dead at the point it crosses the boundary.

65. If a team declares to punt, the ball will be marked off 35 yards from the line of scrimmage.


66. Each team will line up at the 10-yard line.

67. Each team will have 4 plays to score.

68. Penalties can be assessed during tiebreakers. If a penalty occurs, the ball will be marked according to the penalty assessed. If a defensive penalty occurs within the 10-yard line, the ball will be marked ½ the distance to the goal line.

69. Once a team scores, the other team will have 4 plays to score from the 10-yard line as well. Each team will have two opportunities to score. If the score is still tied after two (2) of these procedures the ball will be placed on the 50-yard line and each team will get a series of downs. The team with the most total yards from the 50-yard line wins. The game will be decided first (1st) by score, or second (2nd) by yards advanced from the original line of scrimmage. There will be no ties.



Teams participating in the league must be approved by the Board of Directors. A team is considered certified by the league once their rosters have met the minimum player requirement, all players have been certified by the league, and all fees have been paid.


1. Players will be registered online using the league website. The league’s IT Director will issue a username and password to each team.

2. The Player’s name, date of birth, jersey number, and current picture will be entered and uploaded. If the player played in the OICYL the previous year check the box. If you are unsure leave the box empty. The league would verify if the player played in the league the previous year. The player picture must be the following to be accepted: clear, visible, no head gear or hat and the player must be facing forward toward the camera.

3. If a player is not registered online, they will not be certified by the league on certification day


1. After the player is registered online, they will then be certified on league certification dates set by the league.

2. If the player did not play in the league the previous year, they will have to show ID to the league to verify date of birth. Acceptable forms of ID: state issued birth certificate (copies

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

 OICYL League Rules

will not be accepted), a valid state issued state ID, or a valid Passport. No other forms of ID will be accepted.

3. DHS Exception – Players that are placed in foster care can certify with the league with a copy of the player’s birth certificate, but a copy of the DHS paperwork must be supplied with the copy.

4. If the player played in the league the previous year, they will be asked to provide their name and date of birth to the league. Their name, date of birth and picture will be checked and if they played in the league last year. If the player’s name doesn’t appear on the list of certified players from the previous year, they will have to show a valid form of ID.

5. A player is considered certified once they have been registered, certified and all league fees are paid.


1. Coaches will be registered online using the league website. The league’s IT Director will issue a username and password to each team.

2. The coach’s name, title, phone number and current picture must be provided. The coach’s picture must be the following to be accepted: clear, visible, no head gear or hat and the coach must be facing forward toward the camera.


1. After the coach has been registered online the coach will be certified by the league if they have completed all requirements set forth by the league, to include attending mandatory coaches meeting and completed approved coaching certification(s).

2. Once the coach is certified they will be issued a league coach ID that will be used to get into league games at no charge and must be worn around the neck during league games.


1. After the final league certification, the league will produce official rosters for each team. The league will have a roster verification meeting. It is recommended that both the Head Coach and the Team Secretary attend this meeting.

2. Each team will be giving their teams official roster to make sure it is accurate and complete. Once complete, the Head Coach, Team Secretary or team representative will initial each page sign the last page. Once signed the roster is official and a copy will be kept by the league for record for any roster dispute. If a coach or representative fails to appear the league will note on the roster that the coach did not appear, and the roster will be considered official as is.

3. It is the Head Coach responsibility to make sure that the roster is accurate and complete. Any errors or omissions will not be the league’s responsibility. Make sure if you send a representative, they have proper knowledge of the team’s roster.


1. Player fees

i. Early bird fee (must be paid on or before deadline set by the league)

ii. Player League fees

1. League fees are non-refundable after the league’s round robin. The league will only refund league fees paid to the league by the team. The league is not responsible for any fees paid to the teams for uniforms and other team associated fees.

iii. Certification fee – non-refundable

2. Coach/Team Secretary fees

i. Coach/Team Secretary ID

Oklahoma Inner-City Youth League (OICYL)

Rules and Regulations

OICYL League Rules

ii. Background check

iii. Coach Certification




1. The league reserves the right to perform a roster check on any league team at any time.

2. Teams may request a roster check for games.

i. The request must be made at least 15 minutes prior to the game. Team may also request a roster check at halftime, but the team must make the request prior to the start of halftime and no additional time will be given for halftime.

3. When a roster check is performed both teams will be checked. The team will line up their players side by side with their helmets off. The league will use the official roster book and one representative from the other team will accompany the league representative. The league representative will call the name of a player and that player will stand in front of the league representative and the team representative from the opposing team. The rep will verify that the picture in the book matches the player. Once verified the player will stand behind the league representative and the opposing team rep until all players on the roster are named.

4. If a player isn’t on the roster they will not be allowed to continue playing. The game will continue until the league has a chance to verify that the roster in the book is current and up to date. If the roster is found current and up to date the team that had the ineligible player will forfeit that game and every game prior. If the player was left off the roster by mistake the league will add the player to the roster after making sure he is properly certified, but the forfeit will remain.


A. No outside food and drinks are allowed in the parks.

1. Players may bring in personal water coolers.

2. Coaches can bring in water for the team, but it must be in a large cooler, individual containers of water are not allowed.

3. Gate workers reserved the right to check coolers when entering the park.

B. No smoking inside the parks. This rule also applies to vape products.

C. No animals are allowed in the playing fields when children are competing.

D. The Board of Directors reserves the right to make any judgement or ruling on any situation or issue that is not covered by these rules.

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